Friday, September 9, 2011

Kungfu Tootsie ตั๊ดสู้ฟุด

Released Year: 2007
Directed by Jaturong Mokjok

Casted by:
Sittichai Pabchompoo as Tien
Pokchat Thiamchai as Poey-Poey
Tien & Dao is twins in the gangster group "Jin Long"~ They lost each other when they are small, Dao follow his gangster father while Tien follow his mother. When they grew up, Tien decided to become a drag queen but was call back to replace Dao as the leader of Jin Long after Dao suffer from total permanent disablement.

Tien was train to be a man which he can't. Dao's girlfriend Poey-Poey is the daughter of Jin Long's rival, "Fei Long". There's another gang call "Fei Tian" which also wanted to grab their business to become the biggest gangster group. As they were fighting each other, a lot of funny things happen. In the end Tien wanted to save Poey Poey & a kid and fight against the French group and won.

Everyone in the gangster accepted Tien as a drag queen and all join force together in the end.
L² Scored: 5/10

L² Comment:
This is so funny but the DVD that i watch, the subtitles are not really that good which make me loss direction in some part. I love the part when Poey Poey feed Tien viagra and cause him horny, in the end Tien nearly rape his own god father~ lol