Sunday, April 3, 2011

Echoes Of The Rainbow 歲月神偷

Released Year: 2010
Directed by 羅啟銳 Alex Law

Casted by:
任達華 Simon Yam as 羅先生 Mr Law
吳君如 Sandra Ng as 羅太太 Mrs Law
李治廷 Aarif Rahman as 羅進一 Desmond
鍾紹圖 Shiu-Toh Zhong as 羅進二 Yi
蔡穎恩 Evelyn Choi as 劉芳菲 Flora
The Law family owns a shoes shop in a village, the father make shoes while the mother sell it off. They are proud of their first son, Desmond who is talented in his homework and athlete. Of course the second son, Yi is proud of his talented brother too.

The family live in a poor life and often have to fight against the natural disaster such as the windstorm. However, during a competition, Desmond fall and was bleed. Later on that day after the windstorm, Desmond collapsed and the parents send him to hospital only to discover the son has leukemia. They did not inform Desmond about his illness, Mrs Law bring along the 2 son to Beijing to look for doctor. And finally Desmond discover his illness. However he still lives his life and told this to Flora, a girl he likes.

The Law lives in a difficult life and need to bear the son's hospital fee, but they still believe the son can get well one day. However, one day after Flora met with Desmond, Desmond's illness attack and left the world. The whole family become sad. Few years later when Yi grown up, he looks exactly like his brother and promise to live a good life for his brother.
L² Scored: 7/10

L² Comment:
Well, i would have scored this film a bit higher if not because of Aarif's horrible cantonese. Ya, i know he's a mix, but so what? He is born in Hk, but still the way he talk, its like mumbling... luckily his later film was not like that, or else how would he ever success of being as a singer?

Love the part when Mr Law makes his wife a shoes, the love that shows on Simon's expression wins it all. I believe this help him more in winning the Best Actors in HK academy award. Though Sandra did not win the Best Actress, but her acting is undeniable. Hopefully more film will be coming up from this talented director who does not produce much :)


  1. The only part I like about this movie is the commitment Mr and Mrs Law dedicated to their family, and love. That's touching.

    The rest.. ok ok nia

  2. yes yes, the parents really contribute a lot in the family
