Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Touch 天脉传奇

Released Year: 2002
Directed by 鮑德熹 Peter Pau

Casted by:
杨紫琼 Michelle Yeoh as 白妍 Yin
Ben Chaplin as Eric
Richard Roxbourgh as Karl
张卓楠 Brandon Chang as 白曜童 Tong
The Pak family in the acrobats has been protecting the Shirari of Tang Shan Zhang of many years. Yin and Tong has been performing in the circus and one day Eric, Yin's ex boyfriend came back and told them the heart of Dun Huang has been stolen by Karl a bad businessman.

After getting back the Heart of Dun Huang, Yin lead the team to silk road to discover the truth legend behind all these. The truth is the Pak family's ancestor has put in the code of solving into their acrobats act! With the code they open the heart of Dun Huang and send it back to where it belongs...
L² Scored: 2/10

L² Comment:
I really cannot tahan but give a big big super yawn to this film. The storyline is ok, but all the acting are sucks !!!


  1. It was really bad. The special effect was worse. I watched it mainly because of Michelle Yeoh and Peter Pau (Oscar-winning cinematographer)and was deeply disappointed.
