Directed by James Cameron
Casted by:
Sam Worthington as Jake Sully
Zoe Saldana as Neytiri
Stephen Lang as Miles Quaritch
Sigourney Weaver as Grace Augustine

Jake Skully has been recruited to replace his twin brother to be in one of the team for research in Pandora in the year of 2154. Human beings has been mining some precious mineral in Pandora but was afraid the attack from the local natives which are known as Avatar who stay on a huge tree. There's a huge amount of the mineral burried under the huge tree.
Dr Augustine has train Jake to be in his Avatar mode because he was lack of training. Unable to walk in the real life, Jake love his Avatar body a lot because he gain back his ability to walk and run. But according to Colonel Miles, Jake has to report to him regarding on every research the Avatar Program team has found and Jake will got his new real leg when he is send back to Earth.
During one mission out for research, Jake lost himself from others and luckily was saved by the native Neytiri. After that, Jake was recruited into the native but has to pass all the test that they set. Neytiri was assigned to be his trainer. Both went for language training, body seminar and also the way to defeat wild animals. When everything was managed, Jake found himself falled in love with Neytiri.
Both of the couple was force to break up because the Colonel and team came and burst off the huge tree. All avatar loss their home and Neytiri's father was killed as well. Researchers team ran away and try to help the native but Dr Augustine was killed. Being angry, Jake teams up with the local native to fight against his own human races while protecting the nature of Pandora.
Finally, human being has been defeated and send back to earth. Jake also decided to transform into the Avatar form forever and always stay to protect Neytiri and other Avatar.
Dr Augustine has train Jake to be in his Avatar mode because he was lack of training. Unable to walk in the real life, Jake love his Avatar body a lot because he gain back his ability to walk and run. But according to Colonel Miles, Jake has to report to him regarding on every research the Avatar Program team has found and Jake will got his new real leg when he is send back to Earth.
During one mission out for research, Jake lost himself from others and luckily was saved by the native Neytiri. After that, Jake was recruited into the native but has to pass all the test that they set. Neytiri was assigned to be his trainer. Both went for language training, body seminar and also the way to defeat wild animals. When everything was managed, Jake found himself falled in love with Neytiri.
Both of the couple was force to break up because the Colonel and team came and burst off the huge tree. All avatar loss their home and Neytiri's father was killed as well. Researchers team ran away and try to help the native but Dr Augustine was killed. Being angry, Jake teams up with the local native to fight against his own human races while protecting the nature of Pandora.
Finally, human being has been defeated and send back to earth. Jake also decided to transform into the Avatar form forever and always stay to protect Neytiri and other Avatar.

L² Comment:
One word - SUPERB !!! James Cameron is always my favourite director aka producer. He never fails to take my breathe away, seriously. I just love this film. But questions occured: 1) why only male avatar has nipples while female don't? 2) Male avatar don't have penis? Coz i can't see one flinging around even though they are almost naked.