Released Year: 2011
Directed by 寺本幸代 Yuichi Shinbo
Voiced by:
水田山葵 Mizuta Wasabi as 哆啦A夢 Doraemon
大原惠 Ohara Megumi as 大雄 Nobita
小林由美子 Yumiko Kobayashi as 嗶啵 Pippo
嘉數由美 Kakazu Yumi as 靜香 Shizuka
澤城美雪 Sawashiro Miyuki as 莉露露 Riruru
木村昂 Kimura Subaru as 胖虎 Gian
關智一 Seki Tomokazu as 小夫 Suneo
The movie´s plot involves Nobita, who throws a temper tantrum because he wants a really large RC toy robot in order to beat the rich kid, Suneo. His fit makes Doraemon angry and being a hot Japanese summer, he goes to "cool off" at the North Pole with the Anywhere Door.
Nobita follows him there after he's gone for a long time, and discovers a strange bowling ball-like orb which starts blinking with a pulsating light, and summons what looks like a giant robot´s foot. After sledding down the hill on it and having it crash into his room through the Anywhere Door, the bowling ball follows him home through the door and another robot piece falls into his backyard.
Doraemon, who returned covered in ice, thaws out and wakes up with a cold. When Nobita thanks him for summoning up the parts for a giant robot for him, Doraemon is astonished and admits that he knows nothing about them. However, using a combination of the Opposite World Entrance Oil and the Roll-Up Fishing Hole, they go to the "World Inside the Mirror" (an alternate mirror world without people) and build the robot. Finally, Nobita dubs the robot "Zanda Claus", since he feels that the bowling ball that's summoning the parts was a gift from Santa Claus at the North Pole.
Using a brain-wave controller that Doraemon pulls out of his pocket, he and Nobita play around with the robot, making it do gymnastic moves over bridges and such. Not to keep things to himself, Nobita returns home and brings Shizuka back with him to play with the robot together, but Shizuka presses a button on the control panel that makes the robot fire a huge laser beam, resulting in the destruction of half of the city. Seeing this, they group realizes just how dangerous "Zanda Claus" really is, so they decide to return to the real world and forget about ever finding the robot.
However, Nobita forgot about the bowling ball-like orb he brought back with him, which has been sending telepathic messages to a mysterious girl named Riruru. She is the owner of Zanda Claus, and is looking to reclaim it. Following the orb's messages, she seeks out Nobita, who accidentally lets slip that he knows about the robot. Lilulu proceeds to force him into showing her where it is, so Nobita borrows the Roll-Up Fishing Hole from the spare pocket Doraemon keeps in the closet and takes her to the World Inside the Mirror. She reclaims Zanda Claus, and asks Nobita if she can borrow the Roll-Up Fishing Hole for a while, to which Nobita agrees.
Nobita is visibly nervous about what she is up to, and curious about seeing two shooting stars in a row, so he uses the Bamboo 'Copter to fly over and see what's going on. Flying over the forest by Mt. Ura, he discovers the Roll-Up Fishing Hole unrolled with a portal to the World Inside the Mirror open. When another "shooting star" falls from the sky directly into the portal, Nobita follows it into the other world and discovers that it is one of the parts for building a massive robot army and that Lilulu is at the center of it all. Doraemon, who was suspicious of Nobita's peculiar behavior at home and had followed him there, uses a long-range Paper Cup Phone to listen in on her, and discovers that Lilulu is actually a robot who hates all humans. Upon Lilulu discovering that she was being listened in on, she chases after Nobita and Doraemon. After returning to their own world, Zanda Claus tries to get through the portal as well, resulting in its destruction; seemingly separating the two worlds forever.
The two have completely forgotten about the bowling ball orb that is still at home, however. It then wakes up, and starts bouncing around. So Doraemon pulls out a special kind of incubator and puts the bowling ball and Doraemon's Translation Jelly in it, causing the bowling ball to hatch into a cute yellow peep the group names "Pippo". (One of the onomatopoeia's to describe the sound a peep makes in Japanese.) He warns Nobita of a giant robot army who are involved in a plot to enslave all humanity, so that robot-kind can take over the Earth.
Many things happen, resulting in Nobita becoming good friends with Pippo, and Shizuka taking care of fixing Lilulu when she gets very badly damaged. As Lilulu had some traumatic experiences as a child, however, she holds a very deep distrust and resentment towards humans, and the only one she really feels connected with is Pippo, whom she fixed "on a whim" after he was broken by the other robots. Even after everything Nobita and the others did for her, Lilulu still proceeds to shoot Nobita with a laser beam from her finger. Pippo jumps in front of Nobita and becomes very badly injured. His injuries give Lilulu a wake-up call, so she changes her mind and decides that she is not going to tell the robot leader why there are no humans on the planet nor where they are. The rest of the robot army chain her up for her heresy to her people, and tortures her to try and get her to spill what she knows. Nobita, Doraemon, and the rest of the gang show up with Zanda Claus and rescue her. Back in the real world, Lilulu describes that she is having an inner conflict with herself and doesn't know what she wants, so she willingly lets Doraemon lock her up in a bird cage using the Small Light.
In the meantime, the robot army get further suspicious because of there being no humans in the world. They then discover that they are in a fake world upon analyzing the satellite image of the world and the same image of the current world and seeing how they are reversed. The robot army discovers the newly-made portal the Doraemon and others made to get back to the fake world and follow it back to the real world, leaving Nobita, Doraemon, Gian, Suneo, and Pippo to fight together to stop them from destroying the planet, while Shizuka is left in the World Inside the Mirror, watching the tiny Lilulu with Doraemon's spare pocket.
As the team is gearing up for battle, Shizuka talks with Lilulu, which gives her a great idea. She enlarges Lilulu with the Big Light, uses the Walk-In Mirror to go back to the real world, takes the Anywhere Door to Nobita's room, and takes the Time Machine in Nobita's desk drawer back to thirty thousand years ago when a Professor was creating two robots with human-like hearts and feelings that could save everyone and stop the robot army before it starts. In the original timeline, the professor died before finishing them, but thanks to Shizuka and Lilulu's intervention, Lilulu inputs the warm, loving feelings she got from Nobita and his friends into the Professor's computer, completes them, and erases the evil robot army from the time stream thirty thousand years in the future.
All of them believe that Lilulu and Pippo will also be erased as they were also created for the war against the humans. But then another story starts, when a video clip was shown automatically from the eyes of Lilulu, that she and Pipo were created and sent by another planet's king to stop the future wars. But eventually the king of the evil robot army erased their memories and used both of them as a weapons against humanity. In the end, Lilulu and Pippo return to their own planet and kept visiting Nobita and Doraemon as real human friends.

L² Scored: 8/10
L² Comment:
This is so fun to watch when you are watching with a kiddo~ lol. The whole movie is fun and fantastic, totally full of fantasy and so futurama.