Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Romancing in Thin Air 高海拔之戀II

Released Year: 2012
Directed by 杜琪峰 Johnnie To

Casted by:
鄭秀文 Sammi Cheng as 阿秀 Sau
古天樂 Louis Koo as 邁克 Michael
李光潔 Guang Jie Lee as 小田 Tian
恬妞 Tanny Tien as Doctor
高圓圓 Yuan Yuan Gao as 圓圓 Yuan
Sau has been waiting for her husband Tian who have lost in the woods for 7 years, she take care of the hotel that her husband left for her at he Yunam Shangrila. Michael is a superstar who just won Best Actor and propose to marry Yuan Yuan during the academy. But Yuan Yuan left Michael on the wedding and run away with her old time boyfriend.

Michael get himself drunk and went over to Kunmin. He accidentally fell into Sau's truck and went all the way to Yunam. The appearance of Michael in the hotel has cause everyone excited. But Michael continuously destroy Sau's husband properties including a piano with the spoiled of DoReMi, a truck and a motor truck. Michael get himself to suit the life in Yunam but he discover that Sau is his fans club with member id 033. Sau get exhausted when the police search Tian's bag in the wood, she lost control and went inside the wood but luckily Michael trace after her and manager to save her out.

While Sau is unconscious, the doctor told Michael about Sau's past. 7 years ago, Sau met Tian when she was traveling. They fall in love with each other but Tian was too shy to tell Sau. Years pass as Sau came back every Winter. Finally one year, Tian told Sau that he like her by learning all Michael's movie trick. They get married but Tian lost himself in the wood when he search for a missing kid in the wood.

Michael took Sau for movie but was discovered and he was sent back to Hong Kong. He invited Sau to Hong Kong but he was too busy for her. Sau got the message from Yunam that the police found Tian's body, she was stress out and leave Michael. Michael decided to make a film regarding this story and Sau saw it in the cinema. In the end Sau went back to the hotel and happily ever after with Michael.
L² Scored: 10/10

L² Comment:
I think this will be the best touching/romance film of this year for the Asian market. With sammi greatest acting and Louis deepest feeling, they created a best and yet romantic film ever for all the film they have make together. Scenery of this film has make me wanted to go Yunam Shangrila now!!! Its breath-taking.