Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tooth Fairy

Released Year: 2010
Directed by Michael Lembeck

Casted by:
Dwayne Johnson as Derek Thompson
Stephen Merchant as Tracy
Ashley Judd as Carly
Julie Andrews as Lily
Derek Thompson is a ice skating hokey player who is also known as the "tooth fairy", it is because whenever he block some opponents with his hardcore strength, they will lose their tooth. But everyone including the coach and fans have forgotten Derek is also once a scorer until he met an accident. And then there's a new 18 years old Mick Donelly came into their team which steals Derek's fame away.

Derek has been dating Carly, a mother of one son and a daughter. He enjoys spending his time with Tess who is innocent but not Randy who always stay in his own room and play his guitar. One night while taking care of Tess, Derek told Tess that there is no "tooth fairy" in this earth. The next morning, Derek found a summons under his pillow for charging him of not believing in fairies. He grew wings and later on brought to the fairy land to become a real tooth fairy.

He met Tracy (guy) who is a fairy without wings whom incharge of the admin side and also Lily the fairy god-mother who charge Derek of this sin. At first, Derek needs to learn how to fly, use his shrinking paste, and all other fairy rules and regulations. He crash on a few of his assignments and Lily is not happy with it. Then Derek came up with his hockey style of tooth fairy which really helps him a lot in his fairy job.

Later on, Derek managed to tackle back Carly and try his best to get along with Randy. He even encourage Randy to practice for his talent night. Derek also train Tracy who is a tooth fairy wannabe so that he can become a real tooth fairy as well. Of course, Derek himself also train himself to become a scorer again. After tons of practice, Derek still failed.

He become so ferocious and spoil everybody's dream. But the last assignment he has to do is to collect Tess' tooth. He then told Tess about the existing of fairy and send Randy to his talent night. Later on, Lily is so proud of him and announced that his charge is officially off. Besides, Tracy also gained himself as the tooth fairy trainee.

In the end, everybody applause for Randy great performance and Derek managed to ask Carly to marry him. Also in the hockey team, Derek is able to score for the team and win back his fame once again.
L² Scored: 7/10

L² Comment:
Kinda love the fairy tales thingy. Dwayne Johnson is always my fav wrestler :) And Julie Andrews is still perfect :) But Ashley Judd, hmmm~ she's kinda fat now and looks so old... why did they crew find her to match with Dwayne? weird...